Equity Bank Congo closed the 2018 financial year with figures attesting to continued growth, which is in line with Equity Holdings Plc’s vision of being the champion of the socio-economic prosperity of Africans in general and Congolese. in particular.
In fact, in view of the financial and operational results of the year 2018 published by the bank, Zoom Eco returns to the six figures of this annual report. They are summarized as follows:
– The net profit of 16 billion Congolese Francs (10 million USD) is a growth of 273% compared to last year;
– Total assets grew by 41%, from 651 billion Congolese francs (408 million US dollars) to 920 billion Congolese francs (562 million US dollars);
– The credit portfolio grew by 19% from 338 billion Congolese Francs (212 million US dollars) to 403 billion Congolese Francs (246 million US dollars);
– The deposit portfolio increased by 41% from 502 billion Congolese Francs (315 Million USD) to 708 billion Congolese Francs (432 million USD);
– The number of customers grew by 42% from 357 thousand to 505 thousand, reflecting the great trust between the bank and the Congolese population;
– The number of banking agents grew by 87% from 1,180 to 2,212.
« These figures demonstrate the commitment and determination of the collective efforts of a large team and experienced leaders who continue to embody the dynamism and new momentum for the development of the Congolese banking sector », said Celestin Mukeba Muntuabu, Chief Executive Officer of Equity Bank Congo satisfied with the balance sheet for the financial year ending 31 December 2018.
According to a press release received by Zoom Eco on June 27, 2019, Equity Bank Congo thanks its kind clients who are at the heart of these achievements and for the confidence they constantly show.
« The bank continues to confirm its leadership in innovation with the development of digital products and services by providing its customers with autonomy, speed and security in banking transactions », he says.
Emilie MBOYO