Since Mobutu’s visit to China in 1973, ties between the two countries have always existed despite the eclipses of unrest and war. And it was in 2005 that the partnership was refreshed again. The China-DRC partnership is very different from the one that this country has with the West, based on the will of the country of Mao Zedong to play the leading roles in the reconstruction of the country of Lumumba. It is established in several sectors: economic, infrastructure, health, education, technology. Zoom Eco looks back at these different sectors.
In the economic sector, a larger project, the Sino-Congolese partnership is established first in the mining sector. Indeed, China is attracted by the cobalt of the DRC. Cobalt, a copper-derived ore, is coveted for the manufacture of rechargeable lithium batteries. These batteries are necessary for the operation of electric cars and smart phones, of which China is the largest producer. There are at least 37 mining companies in DR Congo where Chinese interests are represented.
Trade has also become increasingly intense between the two countries. Even if commercial operations remain unbalanced for the benefit of China especially since the DR Congo exports nothing substantial in terms of value-added products to China.
In the infrastructure sector, several works of the DRC are executed by Chinese citizens. This is the case of the triumphal boulevard, the Sino-Congolese cooperation hospital, the fiftieth anniversary hospital, and roads of national interest and agricultural service. It is true that observations have been made on the quality and soundness of certain works produced in the context of cooperation. But this would be the responsibility of the contractors shared with Congolese authorities.
Regarding health, in addition to health infrastructure, China is also involved in equipment. This is the case recently with the donation of 60 tons of medical equipment and materials donated for the fight against Ebola.
In the education sector, every year China offers scholarships. And the number of scholarships China grants to the DRC has increased from 50 to 83 for the academic year 2019-2020. This makes the DRC the second largest recipient of scholarships on an African scale.
As for the technological news, for the third time, 10 winners selected among the young Congolese talents are beneficiaries of the Huawei RDC Young Talent Development Program named « Seeds for the Future ». This two-week training with the best Chinese technicians is a project initiated by Huawei since 2008, it provides training for ICT students around the world and aims to develop local talent in the field of ICT.
In the service sector, every year journalists and other people from other sectors receive training for nearly a month at the expense of the Chinese government. This, to strengthen their capacity in specific areas.
What does China gain from this partnership?
In return, China is gaining the raw materials it needs for the production of electric cars, smart phones and other value-added products that it is number one in the world. And this partnership is bound to be consolidated in accordance with the diplomatic vision of the new head of state, Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi.
Nadine FULA