United Bank for Africa (UBA) DRC was represented at the fifth Forum Investing in Africa (FIA5) held from 10-12 September 2019 in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo. Its CEO, Patrick Kabisi, was the only panelist selected in the Congolese banking sector.
He intervened in the session on Human Capital Development as an analyst of the changing demographic and social environment.
Patrick Kabisi focused on areas where investment is needed, not only to close the gap in basic services, but also to help people become innovators, entrepreneurs, leaders and autonomous citizens, regardless of their income level.
These reflections also focused on opportunities for knowledge exchange and collaboration between African countries, China and the rest of the world on key institutional, regulatory and technological reforms.
Sub-Saharan Africa lags behind in most human capital indicators, and estimates show that the continent is only operating at 40% of its potential despite recent progress in health and education indicators.
At the same time, a skills gap hinders countries’ competitiveness in the global economy.
The objectives of the AIF5 were to examine how best to support economic diversification and job creation in African countries; to take stock of progress made and should chart the way forward.
Emilie MBOYO