This is the Congolese Government’s main concern through the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Budget, Jean-Baudouin Mayo Mambenke. He gave new guidance to the Payroll Monitoring Committee at its meeting on Thursday, October 3, 2019. Several other topics were discussed during this working session.
According to the Chairman of the Committee of this technical government body, Jean Louis Kayembe, they mentioned the September payroll, which has already been closed. The October pay status and the Payroll Action Plan timeline were also on the agenda.
More than 80% of the Action Plan is being implemented two months before the end of the year. This is a level considered satisfactory by Louis Kayembe, the president of this technical body.
The Deputy Prime Minister took this opportunity to provide new guidance on the further clean-up of the payroll file.
« The goal is to reach fictitious zero by 2020. This requires the implementation of strategies, » he said.
As part of the new orientations, members of the national intersyndicale of public administration will now be involved in these meetings. And Jean Baudouin Mayo will personally get involved in payroll activities to give a new impetus to this sector.
A special meeting of the Committee is scheduled for Monday, October 07, 2019.
Nadine FULA