Submit the document to the next Council of Ministers for approval and appropriation; continue efforts to improve coherence between planning, programming and budgeting; and fill the funding gap identified by the Medium Term Budget Framework (MTBF) 2020-2022. These are the three commitments made by the government at the end of the recent Budget Orientation Seminar.
The 2020-2022 CBMT of which the question was improved was the result of a participatory process that brought together representatives of civil society, Parliament, development partners and government experts.
Towards the development of Budget 2020
According to the Minister of State for the Budget, Pierre Kangudia, it will be submitted shortly to the central government for approval and appropriation.
« As a budgetary programming tool, the MTBF, through the revenue floors and the expenditure ceilings set, will have to be used as a reference in the preparation of the budget forecasts for revenue and expenditure for the year 2020, both at central level and provincial, « he said.
This procedure can not be accelerated, according to analysts, until the Coalition government takes office to align these forecasts with the aggregates of the five-year program that will be approved in Parliament.
Results Based Management (RBM)
The central government is, according to Pierre Kangudia, determined to continue efforts to improve the coherence between planning, programming and budgeting. These efforts include the finalization of instruments for the full implementation of Results Based Management (RBM).
This finalization concerns, inter alia, « planning tools, such as the National Strategic Development Plan and the Priority Investment Program, on the one hand, and the programming and budgeting instruments, such as the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) ». , the Medium-Term Sector Expenditure Framework (MTSC), the Program Budget, Commitment Authorizations and Payment Credits, on the other hand. »
Need to fill the GAP
CBMT 2020 – 2022 shows an imbalance with regard to the vast needs and realistic financial resources to make available. Faced with this reality, the national executive is already working on solutions to cover this deficit.
« It is no secret that the government is currently working on it, particularly through the revitalization of financial cooperation with multilateral institutions, and indirectly with the international financial community, » the minister of state reassured. to the Budget.
If this new dynamic has, so far, allowed the Congolese State to obtain firm promises from the World Bank and the African Development Bank for budget support, Pierre Kangudia argues that the results of other steps envisaged could be announced at the appropriate time.
Moreover, the participants in the 2019 Budget Orientation Seminar converged on the need to ensure not only increased mobilization of State resources, including innovative resources, domestic borrowing and but also a sectoral allocation of these resources based on their strategies and priorities.