« Developing and structuring the actors and the ICT ecosystem to capture the opportunities of the digital economy for the benefit of the DRC« , is the theme at the center of the discussions between the stakeholders. Delegates practiced enriching the proposals of the solutions contained in the draft zero of the National Digital Plan of the Congo by 2025.
The approach consisted in enriching these proposals in accordance with the governance of the industry sector to the digital challenges, to encourage development, the creation of local digital businesses and the development of poles of excellence in innovation in the field of digital.
Enriched actions and initiatives have had the advantage of taking into account:
– the promotion of hosting at least 30% of local content at the national level and follow, after international managers, the name of the domain linked to the Congolese cultural heritage;
– the digitization and dissemination of the tourist, cultural and cartographic information heritage as well as the administrative memory of the DRC;
– promoting the country’s development of utilitarian content;
– setting up local e-commerce platforms (leisure, remote management of theaters, competition ticketing), national « .cd » messaging and multi-channel IP interconnection services (voice, SMS, USSD) ).
During this panel, four pillars around which strategic axes were grouped together were identified.
These are respectively Infrastructure (broadband, secure data center, incentive to access the connected revolution); Application uses (digital culture, E-administration, security of uses); Content (local digital industry, human capital and leadership, mega data – big data, open data); Governance and regulation (legal framework, interegulation cyber security.)