The President of the Republic, Félix Antoine Tshisekedi has just named the first Government of the coalition FCC-CACH. The composition of this government team led by Prime Minister Sylvestre Ilunga Ilunkamba meets the criteria established by the Head of State. Zoom Eco looks back at the four peculiarities in figures:
- This government is made up of 65 members, mainly from the ruling coalition, 76.9% of whom are new figures and 23.1% of whom are known political actors and who have been part of former government teams;
- Provincial representativeness is a criterion that has been respected. As such, the Grand Kasai is represented at 25%, Greater Kivu at 22%, Grand Katanga at 15%, Grand Bandundu at 14%, Kongo Central at 9% and Province Orientale at 6%;
- Female representativeness was also taken into account in the composition. While the team is 83% male, the 17% of women were weighted to the percentages of those promoted to the highest positions in the government. Reference to a Deputy Prime Minister, two Ministers of State and a Minister Delegate;
- People with disabilities and vulnerable people were represented by a Minister for Social Affairs.
« The Government is finally here. The President of the Republic signed the ordinance appointing him. The Government having been formed, we will start work after having the inauguration of the National Assembly, « Prime Minister Ilunga Ilunkamba told the press at 4:51 am on August 26, 2019.
It must be remembered that the night of waiting was long. The head of state and his cabinet with the prime minister have worked hard to finalize the composition of this government team.
Prime Minister Sylvestre Ilunga Ilunkamba thanked the Congolese people and the press for their patience in waiting for the appointment of the first alternation government, which is experimenting with the first peaceful coexistence between two opposing political camps. before the publication of the results of the 2018 presidential election.
Emilie MBOYO