The President of the Republic, Félix Antoine Tshisekedi, reiterated his unwavering commitment to fight against corruption in all its forms in the DRC. Allusion made in particular to the concussion, the diversion of public money, clientelism, etc. He gave this message this Thursday, July 11, 2019, on the occasion of the first edition of the African day of fight against corruption that took place at the Congo River Hotel in Kinshasa.
This activity organized by the Observatory of Corruption and Professional Ethics (OSCEP), the State’s interface for the prevention and monitoring of corruption, had the main theme: « towards the development of a common African position on asset recovery. »
It was therefore an opportunity for the Head of State to tell the stakeholders his determination to mobilize all energies to fight effectively against corruption and misappropriation of public funds.
Félix Antoine Tshisekedi reiterated his wish, that of endowing the Congolese justice system with consistent means to obtain its firm support for the eradication of corruption and all the antivaleurs.
Since his inauguration in January 2019, the Head of State has pledged to wage a fierce fight against this scourge that gnawes Congolese society and deprives the State of important revenues to be used for investments to put an end to poverty. .
According to the former special advisor to Luzolo Bambi Lessa, the country’s annual bribery and revenue-earning tip, it is worth more than US $ 10 billion.
The challenge for the new power, how analysts, includes clogging the holes through which public revenues are leaking in order to inflate the state budget in order to allow the coalition government to have the means to its « people first » policy.
As a reminder, one of the recommendations of the African Anti-Corruption Year Declaration calls for states to adopt measures to ensure that public figures declare their property and that property is verified.
Emilie MBOYO