The first 13 judicial police officers (OPJ) with limited powers of the Insurance Regulatory and Supervisory Authority (ARCA) were sworn in before the public prosecutor at the district court. The ceremony took place this Saturday, May 11, 2019 in Kinshasa.
« As a YO, you must be the permanent trauma for offenders. Your mission is to accompany the Public Prosecutor in the search for offenses, collect evidence and refer to the competent authority all these offenders », said Yves Mwepu Ilunga, after receiving the oaths of these executives of the ARCA.
The public prosecutor at the high court also insisted on the values that should be embodied by these police officers working in this institution. These include loyalty to the institutions of the Republic ; integrity and impartiality in the actions to be taken ; dignity and exemplarity vis-à-vis people without distinction.
To him to specify: « you must have a good quality editorial and a good knowledge of the procedure and the criminal law as well as the law in general. You must be relevant, available and responsive. Humanism must accompany in the acts that you will pose. The meaning of analysis and synthesis should dwell in you. You must report your benefits as OPJ to the district attorney of the district prosecutor’s office in your jurisdiction from whom you received the authorization. »
This swearing-in of the first judicial police officers with reduced jurisdiction meets the need for ARCA to have sworn analysts-controllers, capable of enabling this regulator to better fulfill its missions defined in Article 4 of Decree no. 16/001 of 26 January 2016 on the creation, organization and functioning of the Insurance Regulatory and Supervisory Authority.
Indeed, the mission of the ARCA controller is, in general, to oversee the proper functioning of the insurance sector. But also to monitor and control the various insurance operators that are allowed to operate in our market.
According to General Manager Alain Kaninda, « the mission of the ARCA controllers is also to ensure the protection of insured persons by ensuring the permanent solvency of insurance operators. It is therefore important that the insurance operators realize that the controllers are not only endowed with the rights of control as set by the Decree but that through the ceremony today, these analysts and controllers will be empowered judicial system allowing them to record infringements, to verbalize and to bring to the attention of the defective operators before the public prosecutor’s office. »
The Director General, himself a member of these sworn inspectors, has undergone training under the supervision of experienced judges with approved skills.
« Dear colleagues, we believe that you are measuring the weight of your responsibilities. Because, it is important to remove any ambiguity. The status of a judicial police officer with limited jurisdiction is not a privilege, but it is a responsibility. A controller analyst with the powers of an OPJ must sweat : integrity, honesty and impartiality », he insisted.