The Center of Expertise and Certification of Precious and Semi-precious Resources of Congo (CEEC) has decided. After careful analysis, it turned out that the 87-carat stone in the middle of the conflict between Lambert Mende and Basile Olongo is not a diamond. This is a crystal metal called: « quartz. »
The expertise of the stone took place in the presence of the delegation of National MP Lambert Mende accompanied by the provincial Minister of Mines Sankuru and CEEC delegates.
« The Center notes from the analyzes that the stone weighs 87.20 carats and not 87.40 carats. The stone presented is not diamond », says the report of expertise whose copy reached Zoom Eco.
Does this result of analysis come to end the quarrel between Basile Olongo and Lambert Mende? No, analysts say, as long as the battle for Sankuru leadership continues between these camps of opposing political actors.
However, this opinion of the CEEC has the merit of revealing to the people that the so-called « precious » stone was covered by an authorization to leave the commercial mining products of legal artisanal mining.
This puts an end to the debate over the fraudulent nature of his detention by the owners housed by the national deputy, Lambert Mende, recently publicly humiliated.
The revised Mining Code determines the possession and the traffic of this type of stones by the obligation of the owner to be digging, to have the card for artisan mining and to belong to a cooperative, because the mining site is granted to the cooperative not individuals. Finally, to declare the stone to the State services including the CEEC.
As a reminder, quartz is a mineral that crystallizes in the rhombohedral system, formed of silicon oxide, very widespread in nature, with very many industrial uses because of its hardness and stability at very high temperatures. Some of its colorful varieties are used in jewelry.
By observing it, it turns out that this crystal of quartz is like masses resembling glass, of milky gray color and with the bold luster, without specific crystalline form. Which, to the naked eye, confuses it to the diamond.
Emilie MBOYO