The first edition of the « Congo Challenge Science » Forum will be held in Kinshasa on June 24, 2019. This is a frame of reflection initiated by the « Congo Challenge » Think Tank of the professor and former prime minister, Augustin Matata Ponyo. Some of the brightest students in the economic field will have to meet to discuss issues of public or scientific order that are strictly apolitical.
Indeed, this interaction between researchers, scientists and practitioners, indicates the initiator, aims to promote the emergence of a society of excellence. Thus researchers, admitted to this heterogeneous circle of reflection, will debate taking into account two principles:
1. Scientificity, that is to say that each argument put forward must be based on a rigorous approach and a clearly identifiable methodology,
2. Topicality, that is to say that the domain considered must make use of the most up-to-date analytical tools possible.
According to the organizers, the objective of the Congo Challenge Science Forum is to promote a productive exchange that can be capitalized by the participants, mainly in the form of knowledge accumulation, experience sharing and skills networking. But also to offer targeted scientific and professional orientations to young people, in order to contribute to their development.
« The Congo Challenge Science Forum does not fit into the traditionalist organizational pattern. But, it privileges a circle of exchanges and discussions not calling any form of adhesion or commitment, like the Cambridge Circus where John M. Keynes, Richard Kahn, Joan Robinson, Austin Robinson, Piero Sraffa, John R. Hicks met to discuss the developments they were considering for economic theory », said a statement to Zoom Eco.