MKT Advance Sarl has just launched itself on the outdoor advertising market in DR Congo. Its activities were solemnly launched on 4 October 2019 on Avenue du Commerce at 21A in the commune of La Gombe in Kinshasa.
This company specializes in the design, production and installation of signage and all types of visibility media in both the public and private sectors. It mainly uses Congolese geniuses with equipment made in DRC in order to satisfy its customers.
In addition to display devices, MKT Advance Sarl also claims to support its clients in strategic consulting, media planning and purchasing and experiential marketing.
MKT Advance designed, produced and installed the CNSS illuminated lettering.

« MKT Advance Sarl ensures the requirement of quality to emotion. We think it is important to be passionate about what we do, in order to enjoy the projects we carry out and to share it with our customers and partners. As such, co-creation is at the heart of our processes, » said Mireille Kaimby Tshiyoyo, the company’s CEO.
With the development of urbanization, digitalization and the acceleration of technological progress, is still convinced that outdoor communication is faster, more efficient, more flexible and at the same time its impact becomes more measurable. Hence his message
It is up to her to specify: » we are specialized in the design and production of illuminated signs, illuminated lettering in relief. We also have expertise in internal and external signage, while taking into account the environment and safety on site or in the workshop. We are demanding in the choice of materials we use in order to be able to carry out high quality work with professionalism. »
This company, says its sales manager Papy Kaimby, is reassured by the quality of service provided by a local workforce. Thus, the profitability of its actions remains the guarantee of customer satisfaction.
« Our own profitability is the guarantee of our own independence and development. If you want to modernize your front; if you want to write your name in the memories; if you want to create a high-end illuminated sign or signage, entrust your project to specialized technicians who ensure the design, creation, installation and maintenance…« , he said in his inaugural speech.
Papy Kaimby also thanked the clients and partners who believed in us to entrust them with projects carried out professionally, referring to the Management Committee of the National Social Security Fund (CNSS) headed by Agnès Mwad Nawej Katang, who, in his opinion, took an interest in supporting young Congolese entrepreneurs.
This company thus responds to the call of the Congolese Head of State who declared, and I quote: « young Congolese entrepreneurs must take ownership of the national economic sector for the development of the DRC. »
The call is now to Congolese businessmen and women and public institutions who will need to use the services of MKT Advance not only to encourage these national companies but also and above all to strengthen the national economy.
Emilie MBOYO