The oil company PERENCO has planned to build a gas plant in two phases. The first 100 megawatts will require an investment of 180 million US dollars. And the second will bring the installed capacity to 200 or 250 megawatts for a total amount of 250 million US dollars. The outlines of this energy solution for sustainable development in the DRC were presented this Friday, June 14, 2019, by the Deputy Director General, Mrs. Yvonne Mbala.
Everything happened in the workshop focused on « energy as alternative solutions off grid and sustainable development ». An activity on the agenda of the French Week in Kinshasa. The objective of this workshop was to review the different energy solutions adapted to the DRC. Hence, the one that develops Perenco.
Indeed, this company aims to transform the gas to build a power plant that will produce, in its two phases, a total of about 200 to 250 megawatts.
According to Yvonne Mbala, this power generation will undoubtedly unlock several projects in the mining sector in Katanga and industries of Kongo Central without forgetting the needs of households.
« This project will create direct and indirect jobs in the development sector in the mining sector and the processing of mining products. This plant will electrify the road that leads to the Inga power station to Mwanda. The materialization of this project will also contribute to the rapid development of the deepwater port of Banana and allow mining companies to resume some activities that are stopped due to the lack of energy », said Ms Mbala.
Some numbers
Speaking of the economic importance of this ambitious project, Perenco’s deputy managing director reassured that the construction of the gas plant will mobilize the country investments ranging from 180 million to 250 million US dollars. These investments generate shareholdings for the benefit of the State on the one hand and on the other hand the royalty in favor of SNEL as well as the payment of the tax on the profit on the energy that will be produced.
Yvonne Mbala said: « This plant will allow SNEL to strengthen its financial position from the energy it will export. It can generate revenue for the country of about $ 800 million in 20 years. And the dividends can go up to 1.5 billion USD, as the country has abundant oil resources. «
Construction work on this gas plant will, once launched, last 24 months (two years). They will cost 250 million US dollars for both phases. This, on own financing of Perenco, said the deputy general manager of this oil company. In the meantime, no date has yet been given for the start of this work.