The DRC government has just recruited a developer for the Maluku pilot Special Economic Zone (SEZ). To do this, the firm Strategos Group was selected as the developer of the pilot SEZ Maluku.
According to the Financial Implementation Unit for Fragile States (CPEF), a structure attached to the Ministry of Finance that provides this information, the selection of the developer was made after a competitive process. This selection is part of component 2 of the World Bank-funded Western Growth Cluster Development Project.
In a statement issued Monday, June 17 in Kinshasa, the CPEF reassured that the recruitment has been supported by a board of transactions of international reputation.
And to clarify: « Strategos Group thus becomes a private partner of the Government of the DRC, which will, through its activities, attract private investors on the SEZ, in order to support economic growth and job creation. To this end, it will have to develop the physical infrastructure and provide mutualizable services, in a secure land area of 211 hectares, benefiting from an attractive legal framework and simplified administrative procedures … « .
The Maluku pilot SEZ was created by Decree No. 12/021 of 16 July 2012. The site is located about 70 km north-east of Kinshasa, along the Congo River and near the Kinshasa-Kikwit road corridor. The total scope of the Maluku SEZ includes existing land around a former steelworks owned by a public company known as the Maluku Steel Company (Sosider).
Specialists attest that thanks to its multimodal position on the Kinshasa-Kikwit corridor, the SEZ will be a driving force for the growth poles project.
Olivier KAMO