The DRC is often described abroad as a country blessed by God, a mineral reserve, a geological scandal, all qualifiers that remain theoretical while the population languishes in poverty. How can we leave the theoretical or virtual phase to really experience all this richness? The president of the Federation of Congolese Enterprises (FEC), Albert Yuma, proposes a three-pronged recipe.
According to Albert Yuma, it is possible and more than time for the Congolese people to really enjoy the riches of their country.
First of all. « The outside world, the stranger, must stop putting obstacles in the way. « And « it is up to the Congolese to take their destiny into their own hands« . Albert Yuma believes that the mining sector in the DRC has been managed, prepared and formatted to serve only the outside world.
« Congolese leaders must regain sovereignty over the management of our mines so that they truly benefit the Congolese people and restore their dignity, » he recommends – t – in his hat of the Chairman of the Gécamines Board of Directors.
He remains convinced that these mines are the tool of constraint that we must use abroad.
Second of all. It is necessary to set up, and in a voluntarist way, an autonomous and honest administration. As much as it is necessary to create champions in the private sector, it is also necessary to create champions in the administration. Albert Yuma suggests the creation of what he calls « our own Doing Business. »
« Instead of taking the Doing Business criteria, let us create ourselves, through political will, our political and administrative culture that suits the interests of our economy, » he insisted.
Thirdly. It is imperative to decide to provide the financial means. The President of the FEC is based on the principle that each country, at some point in its history, has benefited from its own resources. And especially that the country has the advantage of having cobalt and the forests of the Congo Basin.
On this subject, Yuma proposes that « the State take control of cobalt to create a sovereign fund based on these revenues and on the fact that it is now the Congo that will decide on the production and export of minerals. This fund will serve as a financial lever to give the State budgetary resources and thus enable it to leave the mining sector and move towards agriculture and others. »
In one year, he argues, the Government could have ten billion dollars for its Budget without turning to the outside world.
The President of the FEC believes that the proper application of this recipe will help the Congolese people to benefit from the wealth of their country.
Albert Yuma spoke on a special program set during the fifth edition of the Makutano International Forum.
Nadine FULA